Saturday, March 21, 2009

First Snow 2009

Ok-- so this is a little late, now that we are in to Spring, but I had to celebrate the first Roanoke, VA snow with everyone. I know, it is not a big deal. But for the 2 winters I have been here, this is only my second real snow.
One thing that was totally bizarre about this is one week later, we had highs in the 70's!! This was only a few weeks ago. There is a peace and reverence that comes over the world when it snows. For me, it never means staying home from work. (I need to be a teacher!) But the pace of life is definitely different. Things slow down. And I love the sound. I live remarkably close to an interstate, and I can actually tell, when I wake up, if we are having some type of inclement weather-- the traffic is too slow!
I left the US in the summer, and arrived for a couple of weeks of Paraguay's winter (which is wet and cold at night, but can still have temperatures that are amazingly high in the mid-day.) When I left the following year, it had just begun to get cold in PY-- now I know why they wear coats when it is 60-- and arrived to the US in July. So I had almost perpetual summer for a year.
So, forgive me, if I make a big deal out of snow. I love it. It is beautiful. One of the things that is dear to me about Virginia is that it has 4 true seasons. I love the transition months, especially the Fall (the Blue Ridge Parkway, is one of God's masterpieces in the Fall!) But I like my winters only one way.... If it has to be cold... I want it white!!!
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